Monday, November 26, 2012

Caption contest.

I'm not sure why we bother ... SBAvanti63 always wins, and I never pay the prize (how many pints do I owe him by now? I swear I'm good for them), but here goes another one.

Fill in the white spots from left to right, with your theme being: Da Newspaper.


  1. Let the Buyer Beware

    Use With Caution

    Caution Toxic Hazard

    No Lifeguard Present

    And the hits just keep on coming ...

  2. Insert - Press Release - Here

    We've met the enemy - and the enemy - works here

    Public Affairs - Flashcard - Training Session

    Your copy goes here - our byline goes there - and then there's ad space

    More - photography - please

    Roll - Tide - !

  3. Roll Tide !

    SBAvanti63 is still the King in my book but Jeff wins this one.

  4. I'm not sure I'm willing to concede - I only wrote a victory speech on the plane flight.
