Saturday, October 13, 2012

"VP Debate 2012: The Real Paul Ryan Is Bad for America."

Joe Biden's attitude was off-putting? Really? Rather like the entirety of the Republican platform?

VP Debate 2012: The Real Paul Ryan Is Bad for America, by Charles P. Pierce ("The Politics Blog" at Esquire)

There is a deeply held Beltway myth of Paul Ryan, Man of Big Ideas, and it dies hard. But, if there is a just god in the universe, on Thursday night, it died a bloody death, was hurled into a pit, doused with quicklime, buried without ceremony, and the ground above it salted and strewn with garlic so that it never rises again.


Moreover, the battering that Biden gave Ryan brought something into sharp relief that the Republican party has been fudging ever since Romney put the zombie-eyed granny-starver on the ticket — that, for his entire political career up to that point, on critical economic issues, Paul Ryan was an extremist even by the standards of the modern Republican party, which are considerably high indeed.


His blithe dismissal of any demand that he be specific about where he and his running mate are planning to take the country generally, was so positively terrifying that it calls into question Romney's judgment for putting this unqualified greenhorn on the ticket at all. Joe Biden laughed at him? Of course, he did. The only other option was to hand him a participation ribbon and take him to Burger King for lunch.

Yes, it's true. I have wordsmith love for Charles P. Pierce.

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