Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shelli Yoder and Todd Young "spar" in debate.

In which there is a reference to craft beer, natch.

Indiana’s 9th District hopefuls spar, Jobs, health care central issues for Young, Yoder exchange, by Ryan Trares (Daily Journal of Johnson County)

... Young said the way to foster business and make new jobs is to scale back regulations and let the free market work.

“This campaign can be summed up in one word — trust. Are we going to trust our large, interventionist government to get our economy running? Or are we going to trust the American people,” he said.

Yoder agreed that the power to spark jobs lies with the people. She advocated more support for entrepreneurs and small businesses as opposed to big corporations. Public-private partnerships could be used to foster innovative new businesses in green energy and biotechnology. Where government could help would be to invest in infrastructure, including improving bridges, ensuring airports are sound, and helping get broadband technology to all people.

“It’s become a social justice issue that people have been cut out of the 21st century because of where they live,” she said.

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