Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Restraint, damn it!

And so I keep waiting for some sign of a pulse from the Grabowski for State Representative campaign. Then, finally, one comes to me via Facebook ...

... an the former educator ends every single one of her sentences with an exclamation mark.



With grim determination: "Take it away, Library Online":

online.com/default.asp?pID=36">EXCLAMATION MARK:

Restraint should be exercised when using the exclamation punctuation mark in writing, for when it is used liberally it will lose its impact.


  1. Anyone have any idea what her ideas are?

  2. What's worse than the exclamation points is that the Monday she references is November 5th, NOT the 6th. Details like that matter more than a little, don't they?

  3. Missed that one, SBA. Geez.

    IAH: I've heard plenty of character testimonials, but nothing about a platform.

  4. I heard good things about her opponent when he ran the first time. I've been on the somewhat disappointed side of that result.
