Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pro basketball: "Undefeated: The Roger Brown Story."

Basketball season almost is back, and until Louisville gets its act together on finding a professional tenant for the soon-to-be-bankrupt Tricon Center (read: probably never, because this IS Louisville, after all), our closest NBA team in geographical terms remains the Indiana Pacers.

As I've mentioned here many times in the past, those of a certain age cannot think about the Pacers without recalling the Kentucky Colonels and the American Basketball Association of old. Those were the days, my friends.

I follow the Indy Cornrows blog for coverage of the Pacers. There is a wonderful post there about the late, great Roger Brown, and a documentary being filmed about him.

Check out the trailer for "Undefeated: The Roger Brown Story" which will help explain why I'm so excited about this project.

I cannot embed the video here, so follow the link to view it. Anyone for a field trip to Indy for a Pacers game some time this winter?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that brought back so many memories. I cannot wait to see the full documentary. As you know I've been a Pacers fan all of my life, and yes, I'm up for a road trip!
