Monday, October 08, 2012

Krugman: An economy "slowly healing," and a right-wing movement that "lives in an intellectual bubble."

Jack Welch being a prominent bubble inhabitant.

Truth About Jobs, by Paul Krugman (New York Times)

Is the U.S. employment picture getting better? Yes, it is ...

... None of this should be taken to imply that the situation is good, or to deny that we should be doing better — a shortfall largely due to the scorched-earth tactics of Republicans, who have blocked any and all efforts to accelerate the pace of recovery. (If the American Jobs Act, proposed by the Obama administration last year, had been passed, the unemployment rate would probably be below 7 percent.) The U.S. economy is still far short of where it should be, and the job market has a long way to go before it makes up the ground lost in the Great Recession. But the employment data do suggest an economy that is slowly healing, an economy in which declining consumer debt burdens and a housing revival have finally put us on the road back to full employment.

And that’s the truth that the right can’t handle.

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