Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fendley on parks funding: "We can’t change what happened in the past."

Floyd County Council member Dana Fendley says that she didn't have all the information until earlier this year. In other news, someone's homework was eaten by a pet hamster.

By the way, wouldn't it be nice if the newspaper linked Fendley's mention of Matt Nash's column to -- that's right, Nash's column?

Never fear: I do it here. Indirectly, of course.

NEWS AND TRIBUNE LETTERS — For Oct.17 ... Council member responds to recent column

... I personally have been in attendance at the parks board meetings and have assured the board that we will be in full compliance with our agreement with the city of New Albany. I should mention that the majority of the Floyd County Council members were not on the council when the funding agreement was initially drawn up, and were only made aware of the details of the agreement earlier this year. Since becoming aware of the requirements, we have paid our fair share for 2012 and will continue to do so in 2013.

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