Sunday, October 28, 2012

2004-2012: I forgot to celebrate our eighth anniversary.

I failed to note the eighth anniversary of this blog: October 22, 2004, although postings didn't appear in earnest until the 31st of that year.

In short, it was an election year, and a grim one; "W" had been re-elected, and I was sufficiently disgruntled with "national" affairs to consider the unprecedented step of returning to the grassroots and seeing how things worked (or didn't) on my own block. And so it went ... and went ...

It's eternally odd how life is cyclical. It took a while, but getting immersed in the life and times of my own city of residence eventually caused me to rethink most of my precepts with regard to beer and business. It's caused me to rethink quite a lot, actually, a process that remains under way.

Meanwhile, nationally, Barack Obama's election in 2008 elicited a moment or two of wonderment before the predictable conservative backlash put the brakes to progress. While I continue to believe that Obama will be re-elected this year, Indiana's unexpected dalliance with the color blue was brief, and so we must continue to be sensitive to the many creative ways that Republicans can poison the local atmosphere quite apart from whichever party enjoys White House residency.

It's gotten better around here. We've quite a ways to go. What happens next?

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