Wednesday, September 05, 2012

To sweep or not to sweep.

That's because we pretend to sweep the streets during this time, except that we don't clean streets, we clean the area just next to the curb -- when it actually gets cleaned.

But it wasn't done today, nor last week, if memory serves, meaning that the ticketing regime is entirely random -- although at the same time, a bit further down the street, toward downtown, there still is no ticketing at all for parking violations.

As an ironic postscript, I just looked outside and saw the curbside area completely swept clean ... by this afternoon's storm water.

1 comment:

  1. Remind me to tell you about the cop car racing up to horn-blow a specific property on Spring so the "violator" could run out and move his car. Meanwhile, the other 8 "violator" along the route were ticketed.

    I walk to work every day at sweeping time and invariably I outpace the sweepticketer.
