Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cafe 27 opening to be pushed back a bit, says Chef.

Executive Chef Zachary Wolf of the soon-to-be Cafe 27 (147 East Main Street in New Albany) provides an update on the restaurant's progress, along with a clarification or two, following yesterday's posting: Welcome: Cafe 27 catches us by surprise, kinda sorta.

Liquidz is still in play and will be coming sometime next year if things go right. Cafe 27 will be next door to Liquidz and will be separate from the bar ... our early October opening of Cafe 27 is not looking likely. We are trying to transform the building and install the necessary equipment, but setbacks are not helping in getting open in time. We are looking to open sometime in the late fall, either late October or early November if everything goes correctly. I will update you when I know more.

Thanks, Chef. We eagerly await further updates.

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