Sunday, September 09, 2012

Anyone got a phone booth? Genuine local Democrats for Obama need a meeting place.

The Bookseller provided an excellent comment on my Saturday post, in which I confided, "I may be an egotistical bastard, and yet I never doubt that the larger stage upon which one performs is collectively built."

Four more years, because Bain-think is Budweiser-think with fewer letters.

I see you remember that a majority of Indiana voters chose Obama (though I'm sure you can find someone to tell you even THAT didn't happen). The shame is that once-reliably Democratic (or maybe just Copperhead) Floyd County did not choose to align with our incumbent President.

How many "Democrats" does it take to accomplish that? And how many "Democrat" officeholders would sign a newspaper ad endorsing Obama this year? Want to get such a public endorsement petition started? You go first. Get Gahan's signature on it, then I'll go next.

Will Bob Caesar go fourth? I'm for it. The NYT editorial board explains why.

EDITORIAL: President Obama’s Second Chance (New York Times)

 ... Mr. Obama went into this convention with an actual record at governing — not just the Republican posture of saying “No” to everything. He has far better ideas about how to create jobs, make Americans’ tax burdens more equitable and improve ordinary Americans’ economic prospects than the tired, failed trickle-down fantasies served up by Mitt Romney and the Republican Party.

He ended the war in Iraq, tried to rescue the Afghan war that Mr. Bush bungled, stepped up the offensive on terrorists far beyond Mr. Bush’s vision and rallied the world to ratchet up pressure on Iran.

He blunted the extreme message of the Tea Party by offering an alternative vision of government’s obligation to help the neediest, provide everyone with the basic structures of society and the economy and end unconscionable discrimination against gay and lesbian Americans. He has protected women’s constitutional rights and liberties, despite his own misgivings about abortion. He ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden — an act that was mentioned repeatedly on the last night of the convention.

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