Friday, August 31, 2012

Steve Bush: " I can be a county elected official because I do not work for the county."

Pete posted a photo on Facebook, and I asked a question ... and to my shock and amazement, Floyd County Commissioner Stephen Bush promptly answered my question without so much as deleting it.

He must not have received Parson Clere's memo about how to misuse social media.

My question: "Must (Bush) conform to the new 'no cops get elected' law?

Commissioner Bush's answer: "My understanding of the new law is that I can be a county elected official because I do not work for the county. As a city employee, Senate Bill No. 167 states that I cannot hold an elected office in the city because it's the political subdivision's legislative or fiscal body. Hope that helps."

Fair enough. I admire Bush's immediacy and nuanced non-deletion, whether or not we are in agreement, but of course it didn't end right there.

Me: "I look forward to reading the candidate's platform, which I suspect will be filled with references to sidestepping the county's various funding obligations v.v. the city of New Albany."

Bush: "I find it very interesting that you would throw out accusations of sidestepping when you haven't attended a Commissioner's meeting where these decisions have been made or even asked me face to face about my position on these issues. I would invite you to sit down with me and talk about my stance on the issues and I can give you my side so you at least can get more facts before you make a judgment against me."

Whoa -- looks like I may have inadvertently brushed against a scab. My response:

"Two can play that game: I don't recall seeing you at very many city council meetings over the years. But this is small beer, and as you know, not particularly relevant. I'm perpetually time-challenged, but would enjoy the opportunity to hear your side of the story."

I intend to do so. A final amusing peripheral issue came from one of the candidate's friends.

David E.: "I suggest the County impose a $10 a bottle (or mug) imported beer tax to help raise the needed revenue to pay for funding obligations v.v. the city of New Albany."

That's like a lob pass.

Me: "DE may be on to something, although it might help to define 'imported beer' for the benefit of those who cling to the fiction that Budweiser, a multinational monolith with HQ in Belgium, still somehow qualifies as 'domestic'. As the owner of the only Floyd County-produced beer (after all, we on the flood plain actually do pay Floyd County taxes), I'd be delighted to enjoy tax-exempt status."

Strangely, the conversation ended there.

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