Friday, August 17, 2012

Kentucky State Fair wants pedestrians to be injured the old-fashioned way, by cars and themselves.

A long year passes, and very little changes at the Kentucky State Fair. My August 20, 2011 posting dealt with the mayhem following a Friday night with two big fair concerts dispersing thousands into the fetid nighttime air.

It is difficult to imagine bicycles making Kentucky State Fair transport any less organized.

... Naturally, the mob veered left, entirely undirected by fair employees who weren't willing to leave the air-conditioning, and began the trail of tears the longest way around, past the animal sheds.

Amid the chaos, the KSF continues to insist that bicycles pose more of a hazard to pedestrians then its own doltishness.

Cyclists Still Second-Class Citizens at the Kentucky State Fair, by Branden Klayko (Broken Sidewalk)

The Kentucky State Fair (KSF) begins today, but good luck riding your bike there. Following the KSF’s fumble on bike parking that blew up last year, the fair board is on track to repeat many of the mistakes that have given the it a reputation as bike-unfriendly as far away as Dallas. Like last year, bikes will not be allowed inside the fairgrounds’ gates and the fair offers no incentives for cyclists to attend like other states do, causing jeers from local bike advocates.

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