Thursday, August 16, 2012

City council to learn even more about Bicentennial-themed parks, squares and branded commemorative teacups.

There's a city council meeting tonight. The agenda is up, and the newspaper has offered its preview, which deals primarily with plans for Bicentennial Park. It might yet be given a horrendous Caesar-centric name, so we must remain vigilant ... but we've already covered that here: Legacy Square? Nah, pie are round, cornbread are square.

NEW ALBANY — A vote won’t happen tonight, but the administration will discuss funding construction of the Bicentennial Park this evening with the New Albany City Council ...

 ... The bicentennial commission is heading efforts to garner private donations for the park and other activities associated with celebrating New Albany’s 200th anniversary in 2013.

“It’s a significant amount of money, but I can’t stress this enough, that you’re only 200 years old once,” said Councilman Bob Caesar, who also serves on the bicentennial commission ...

 ... Caesar said he’s wary of spending tax money on any project, but added the bicentennial park will incorporate New Albany’s past while giving residents and visitors a serene setting to enjoy for years to come.

“The curb appeal of this park when it’s done will be something I think everybody in New Albany will be extremely proud of,” Caesar said. “This is going to be a good looking park.”

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