Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rain, clouds, Batman and Naughty Girl(s).

We went to the Georgetown Drive-In on Friday night. It was rather wet, at least in the beginning, which confounded our neighbors in the pick-up truck to the left of us. They got very damp trying to configure a makeshift tarp, and then left a huge pile of garbage on the ground when departing. All of this provided me with pleasing memories of growing up among the rednecks, from whom I learned the simple lesson of ignoring the state prohibition of alcohol from the grounds.

Having brought growlers of, er, um, homemade cream soda, I quickly popped outside during a brief lull in the downpour to procure a refill from the handy trunk cooler -- and whoa! There was the cloud depicted above. It made me wish I'd brought an even stronger variety of cream soda.

Here's the same cloud, a moment later, looking south.

But in due time, the precipitation stopped, and for the first hour of the movie, a spectacular lightning show danced around the edges of the movie screen. The film itself? Entertaining, and a suitable ending to the trilogy. Most of the evening, I found myself dreaming about the prospects for a Craft Beer Drive-In. If you have money to invest ...

Since 1951 and now on Facebook: Georgetown Drive-In

1 comment:

  1. The cloud photo is epic. My wife and I were noshing on yr company's pizza and waxing sentimental on the Opening Ceremonies.

    Somewhere Tim Eads is decrying your negligence of the Olympics.
