Monday, July 09, 2012

Help us to refashion our most famous anti-fascist advertisement.

Readers, I need your help.

Pictured at left is the Great Taste of the Midwest program ad NABC purchased last August. Perhaps the finest outdoor beer fest in America, GTMW takes place each year in Madison, the state capital of Wisconsin, where Governor Walker retained his seat after a punishing recall fight earlier in 2012.

Meanwhile, Indiana's departing gubernatorial wunderkind is taking his talents to the Right Bank (of the Wabash, appropriately enough) and Purdue University, which apparently is slated for outsourcing, closure or being otherwise gutted.

It's worth noting that while the advertisement helped to stimulate another record year of "These Machines Kill Fascists" t-shirt sales in Madison (which helps us to pay the way for 14 NABC employees to attend GTMW), it prompted an entirely different reaction in quarters closer to home, one that reminded me of Federico Fellini's words: "Censorship is advertising paid by the government," or at the very least, nearby government officials.

But that was then; this is now. I'd love to purchase another program ad, so does anyone have ideas on how we might incorporate the "kill fascists" logo into something with a different and complementary theme?


  1. I don't think that I'm even going to try. When you need a great caption, who ya gonna call? SBAvanti63!

  2. No pressure there. LOL!

    At first thought, I've got this for the top. Leave the rest the same.

    Miller, Schlitz, Strohs - they blows
