Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Living better and smarter shouldn’t be a partisan issue."

As the author accurately notes, a restoration of balance between urban and suburban is about providing options for those so inclined, not emulating Ceausescu's forced resettlement policies.

The American Dream: Phase II, by Allison Arieff (NYT Opinionator blog)

... The aforementioned changes point to the fact that a paradigmatic shift in our concept of the American dream is underway. And this shift is not just because of the recession, says Gregory Vilkin, managing principal and president of MacFarlane Partners, quoted in that USA Today piece, “It’s no longer the American dream to own a plot of land with a house on it and two cars in the driveway.”

The country could be moving toward something much better, something that’s less about consumption (of stuff, of such essential resources) and more about quality of life.

1 comment:

  1. Somewhere between the Keane and this post...

    Dry The River - Night Owls

    Not even going to try to address the NRO. Still laughing about that one.
