Sunday, June 10, 2012

Give us pork rinds, Bud Light Lime and the Crashers -- and we still won't come.

Seeing as I get no kick from scarred linoleum, I seldom indulge in the Kitchen Fable Dishes, where posts seldom go up more often that once a month, and everyone (all five of them) wears a bile-soiled mask.

Even so, as a periodic nod to fairness, even if she hardly deserves the favor, here's the link to A Troglodyte's Guide to Live @ Five.

In essence, it's an oppositionist's view of the city's summertime concert series, as filtered through a world according to reefer madness. As with so many other aspects of New Albany's civic existence, the issues referred to therein might be assuaged with better communication, and I believe the event's organizers are well aware of it. At the same time, KFD itself provides a compelling counter-example: You can have all the many means of communication afforded by the modern age, and if they're holding the wrong device in their hands, no one will listen.

1 comment:

  1. Unreal!!! Who in the world writes that crap?
