Monday, June 04, 2012

First stirrings of life in the "Commercial Building" on Bank and Elm.

Last November, NAC asked: Any ideas for the "Commercial Building" (Sprigler Construction)?

Obviously, as the owner of a business located on the same street, I'd like to see all the other buildings filled and productive. There's now a tenant in the middle part.

Learn more at the Stylin' Irish page at Facebook.

I've also been led to believe that a prospective restaurant tenant has been found for the space on the corner of Bank and Elm. Having indulged in speculation on Twitter, I was asked not to mention the eatery's identity aloud, and will honor this request. Honestly, the building itself still reminds me of something I'd expect to see in eastern European cities of the Warsaw Pact era, but there's nothing like filling an empty space to make the bricks and mortar far more attractive. Lofts in a gutted and renovated main area (to the right, above) are unlikely, but a boy can dream.

In other purely coincidental news, I'd like to recommend a wonderful Asian fusion/sushi establishment in Louisville. Boy, wouldn't you like to have a place like Dragon King's Daughter in downtown New Albany?

1 comment:

  1. HA!!! Now THAT'S funny! You sly dragon, you!
