Monday, May 28, 2012

Simple made complicated, yet again. Why?

"There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking."
-- Sir Joshua Reynolds

Scott Klink doesn't want to live in the past, and so he seeks an "act of Congress" as redress. But why the persistent amnesia as to the source of the funding imbalance, i.e., county government?

Board chair: Parks district best solution for New Albany and Floyd County; After veto of new agreement, Klink says district would guarantee funding, by Daniel Suddeath (Intrusive Pop Up and Roll Over Journal)

... According to the Gahan administration, the city paid about $4 million more to the parks department than the county since 2004. Under the terms of the contract, the city and county were to evenly fund the department based on population, which has been nearly equal over that span.

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