Wednesday, May 02, 2012

ORBP: Opulently Regressive Bridges Project (fashion statement edition).

Spotted at the Save Louisville page at Facebook. Here's a snippet of the conversation. 

Mary Beth Brown:
Hey I know this guy! Rock on, man. You're fighting the good fight. And I've got some sidewalk chalk if you need any.

Roger A. Baylor
Tell it to Kerry Stemler. Assuming he can read, of course.

Cherise Williams
I asked Steve Schultz, last Wednesday, following the Bridges Authority meeting, how long he thought it would be, before gas hit $7 a gallon. He replied, hopefully, it won't, if we get a new president. I could not believe my ears. I lit into him, asking him if he had ever heard of peak oil! I told him that building all this roadway is going to be for an empty road, once we can't afford to have pov's. And that if we want to be a world class city, we need world class public transit. We are about to get left in the dust, by the rest of the world! Does this guy even TRY to connect the dots????

Roger A. Baylor
He's paid by oligarchs NOT to connect these dots, but the ones that stand to enrich them. That's what being a toady is all about.


  1. The fact that this Schultz character is ignorant enough to think/say that the president has anything to do with gas prices makes me wonder how he ever got on such an important board.

  2. I wonder if he said the same thing when gas got high during President GWB's term?
