Monday, April 23, 2012

Ohio River Bridges: It just keeps getting better. (updated)

From Chapter 5, page 43 of the newly released ORBP Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement:
"Based on the vehicle user cost data, presented above, FHWA has concluded that the Modified Selected Alternative is likely to cause disproportionately high and adverse effect on minority and low-income populations. Although the impacts would not be “predominantly borne” by environmental justice populations, the impact would be appreciably more severe or greater in magnitude for these populations."
No kidding.

It goes on to state that enhanced bus service and other tolling mitigation techniques must be addressed prior to the implementation of tolls because overall travel time and vehicular costs are lower with transit. Again, no kidding. Those lower costs are precisely where we should have started.

And for those who may be naively thinking "but that's not me", both Downtown New Albany and Downtown Jeffersonville are included in the low-income and/or minority areas predicted to experience those disproportionately high and adverse affects.

If you care about those places, that is you.

The map below documents the areas deemed minority, low income, or both and primary environmental justice block groups.

I guess we'll see which newsies and politicos address that as well.


  1. I will buy if you get one rational, intelligent comment out of anyone in the Daniels / 1SI gang that even acknowledges the issue.

  2. P. S. I would prefer to be wrong about this, but I doubt it.

  3. What is an environmental block group?
