Friday, April 20, 2012

Celebrate Thunder Over Louisville by pissing on the Greenway!

Literally, no less. These scenes were glimpsed while biking yesterday. Note full space reserved for autos, with the new Greenway section is reserved for urination. Metaphors; they're so priceless.


  1. Awfully close to traffic, both auto and pedestrian. Folks waiting are going to be trampled.

    I'm reminded of what happened at the Madison Regatta - "The regatta's 60-year tradition has been marred by ... serious-injury accidents since 2006. That year, Michael Bowen, 18, passed out at the wheel of his car and plowed into spectators at the river's edge, critically injuring Michigan resident Jennifer Willette, who lost an arm and leg.

    Bowen later admitted to “huffing” keyboard dusting spray before losing consciousness and was sentenced to four years in prison."

    Isn't there a better location for portable toilets at this event?

  2. Yes, there is a better location. Some state downriver and downwind.
