Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Three decades on: Life in the Falklands.

Ronald Reagan's America had its epochal triumph against the St. Mary's of the Woods-caliber opposition, as provided by the ragtag Grenadans, but to me, I have sharper memories of the controversies attendant to Maggie Thatcher's Falklands (Malvinas, dog) war. After all, the UK and Argentina were middleweights. It really should have been a better match, shouldn't it?

The Falklands: life on the islands – audio slideshow (Guardian)
The Falklands war, which began 30 years ago, has not been consigned to history on the islands. Falklanders maintain a proud link to Britain and memories of the conflict are dotted everywhere. Martin Argles captures the sights and sounds of life on the islands

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