Saturday, February 04, 2012

Thanks to Allen Howie and New Albany First.

There was a fine crowd at Strandz & Threadz on Thursday evening for NA First's marketing seminar. I had to count heads twice and remember to count Stefanie before affirming that 30 attentive listeners were filling the room. Special thanks to Allen Howie for being informative and entertaining as always.


  1. I have never been or experienced the feeling of being a groupie but if I decided to go that route I would be a groupie for Allen Howie!! What few times I have been around him he is always informative and just all around interesting. The seminar was very informative. I learned a couple things that I plan to attempt incorporating in my business. Anyone that has an Independent Business or is considering starting one should have been there. Those they were not there YOU should have been. Consider New Albany First as a cause worth joining. We are available to help with your needs as an Independent Business Alliance or get you connected to someone that can.

  2. maybe the first order of business could be how to persuade all the vacant building owners that there is in fact no gold or oil lying beneath the surface of their shelled out, money pits...and if they want ppl to inhabit them, well you must first accept that we live where the average salary hovers around the 40K mark, not 65k and up...they all seem so excited to nurture a future, all the while neglecting the now...

  3. Have you spoken with Steve Resch?
