Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A letter, from a parent to Dr. Hibbard.

Thanks to Kate Caufield for permitting me to reprint this letter, which originated as a Facebook posting. It is my understanding that she has submitted it to the News and Tribune. Let's hope it is published there.


My letter to Dr. Hibbard, to his FB account:

Dr. Hibbard,

I realize that you're the superintendent of this school corporation. I realize that you've earned that rank and deserve compensation.

But when I have a child in a 28 kid kindergarten class, and a second grader (being tested for the Excel program, no less) who are not being taught by certified art, music and PE teachers, I am absolutely stunned that you'd consider taking this raise and bonus.

As parents, we've been upset at the cuts that have come, but have accepted that they're necessary in order to keep the school corporation solvent. Yet, we have had new administrative positions created to the tune of 100K salaries. I had Louie Jensen in high school; he is no doubt top of the top - but a new position created just for him? That doubled with your raise and bonus is enough to put tears in my eyes, because of what my kids are missing out on- all for reasons that no matter how I turn it over in my mind, I can't justify.

Neither should you.

I don't believe in the voucher program. I'm very much against it. I'm very, very angry that my choices are voucher and the situation stated above. My kids deserve a quality education in what has always been a school district to be proud of; but that's not happening. Whatever issues you and the board have with unions are irrelevant here. Your actions are an extension of your character, and taking this raise and bonus lessens your character, no matter how you feel you can justify it.

If my household has a tough month, or year, I don't get a bonus for being a good mom (and a working mom, who relocated back here because of the schools). No matter how much my husband and kids appreciate me, if we don't have it, we don't have it. Same for you and the school corporation.

I know you have children in this system. Take a step back from superintendent, and stand completely- COMPLETELY- in the Dad role for a minute. Imagine that each year, your children have more and more cut in their classrooms, and fewer certified teachers. Now, imagine that the guy at the top gets $28K more per year, in addition to a $10K bonus...while your children continue to see less and less. Can you see it? Can you feel it? That's anger, Dr. Hibbard. That's unjust, and I know you feel it, when you completely stand back as solely- and most importantly- a dad.

Do the right thing. Don't accept this raise or bonus. When things turn around fully, THEN take it- but not until then.

Kate Caufield


  1. From a Courier Journal story by Harold Adams, April 22, 2011:

    "Hi­bbard said in his Sumner County application that he is inter­ested in leav­ing New Albany-Floyd because he is drawn to that area, now is a good time to move his young chil­dren and he is "discour­aged with (the) chang­ing Indiana ed­ucation envi­ron­ment."

    We took a chance on an uproven Dr. Hibbard(first superintendent job)and the above is how he repays us. Less than two years in New Albany. He obviously doesn't want to be here. Should have just told him, "Don't let the door hit you in the ..."

  2. I really wish they would have told him just that. It appears they didn't even extract any promises to stay in order to claim his filthy lucre. Why make such a one sided offer benefiting only him and not the district??
