Tuesday, February 07, 2012

I wrote a letter to the editor, because you have a right to my opinion.

Although unintentional, the timing of my letter is perfect, given that the six council members not named Phipps, McLaughlin and Gonder need to be thinking about matters like these after their coded performance last night. A hint to Bob Caesar: Try as you might, but you'll just not find anything in the IRS statute book to help you figure this one out.

Resident calls for return of Human Rights Commission

No single book in the 199-year history of New Albany is quite as lonesome as the city’s neglected Code of Ordinances.

Inside this dusty volume, there resides a 1974 law mandating a Human Rights Commission. The HRC existed for a time, and then was discarded. Recently the incoming 3rd district council representative Greg Phipps brought the HRC’s statutory existence to the attention of the council, which reacted predictably by passing the buck to Mayor Gahan ...

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