Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Councilman Greg Phipps's blog makes Erika blow a superannuated gasket.

Boy, Erika's sure steamed. He/she/it hasn't been this agitated since Greg Phipps toppled Steve Price in 2011 like a house of Legion video poker machine cards, providing hope of literacy to the long suffering residents of the 3rd council district.


... Well Mr. Phipps, The Constitution of the United States gives you the right to say how you feel.

As Christians we find this highly offensive. We've never met missionaries who forced Christianity on other cultures and believe us we know several.

It can mean only one thing: An elected official is displaying independence, intelligence, or probably both; and yes, upon further perusal, we find the little peoples' target right here:

Greg's Social, Political and Religious Commentary

Views expressed on this blog are presented from a liberal, progressive perspective with the intent to encourage a critical view of the problems facing our society. Views expressed are not presented in a mean-spirited way, nor are intended to offend; however, those with different political and religious views may be challenged by what is presented here.


  1. I get so tired of the "I've never (met, saw, heard, etc)so it can't be true."

  2. It takes about five minutes of time to become aware of how many indigenous peoples have suffered historically owing to Christian missionary work. To deny it is both futile, and quintessentially New Albanian.
