Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The saga of the Parson's Facebook site continues.

A week ago, I noticed the Clere Channel actually allowing most of the FB posts opposed to Rep. Clere's pro- "right-to-work" position to stand, sans deletion. Indeed, this is a mature and healthy trend, and we must commend it.

Too bad it didn't apply to equally legitimate questions about bridge tolls back in 2010, but what the hey; we can't have it all in NA.

State Representative Ed Clere 
To everyone posting comments here. This is Amy Clere, administrator of this page. Ed and I have no objection to people expressing a variety of opinions on this page and welcome all viewpoints thoughtfully and civilly presented. We do not, however, allow any name calling, overt rudeness, bullying or vulgar language on this wall, even when it is expressed in text message shorthand. "gth," for example, is inappropriate on this page and will be deleted. Ed is unable to get on Facebook while at the statehouse (and he is there all week), but he does read the comments with me on weekends and likes to hear from all of you. Please keep your comments on topic and civil. Thank you for your kind adherence to our page guidelines on this matter. Amy Clere

1 comment:

  1. I don't FB anymore but glad to see a positive step by our State Representative for open discussion.
