Friday, January 06, 2012

Reunited, and it feels so good.

(Photo composite elements cribbed from Alabama pensioners, sorry.)

My, my ... how the times have changed.

The Gang of Four – Dan Coffey, “King Larry” Kochert, Steve Price and Bill Schmidt – has passed mercifully into ancient history, with the only remaining component of the infamous obstructionist quartet being Coffey, who nowadays often makes quite good sense.

At last night’s first council meeting of 2012, a new variable was introduced into the city’s legislative equation.

Meet Lucy and Desi, folks.

They’re New Albany’s newest Undynamic Duo, with Diane Benedetti in the vintner's seat and Bob Caesar playing Geppetto, stage left.

Think of it as Armageddi and CeeSaw in ascendance, with the latter serving notice that from now on, his interminable drone will fill the aural gap recently vacated by Price. So what if Ernest T. Bass has left the building?

Say hello to Howard Sprague instead. How’s that for (dare we say it aloud) innovation?

A question from the gallery: Why did the council member re-elected to her seat by the slimmest margin of any returnee become city council president?

Answer: Because the body’s returning arbiter of culture, the newly garrulous Caesar, was in a glowing, tumescent, deal-making mood, and perfectly willing to swap boring old 2012 for his rightful seat at the head of the table in 2013, the Bicentennial Book Year. Even the earthworms beneath the tragically dubbed Legacy Square are turning at the thought.

However, apart from the usual hijinks by the same congenital practitioners, there is reason for guarded optimism.

Overall, the council’s collective aptitude surely has risen. Veterans Gonder, McLaughlin and Zurschmiede said little or nothing, and newcomers Baird, Blair and Phipps embarked upon their learning curves in relative silence.

Even Coffey was reticent, perhaps mimicking Muhammad Ali’s “Rumble in the Jungle” strategy against George Foreman in far-off Zaire: If Benedetti and Caesar talk this much, this early, surely they’ll be exhausted and completely out of words by June, and then it will be time to pounce.

By the way, did she ever actually visit the Muhammad Ali Center?

Shouldn’t such a learning experience be a pre-requisite for membership in the local Democratic Party?

Daniel Suddeath's OSIN account is here.


  1. I will agree with you on this post, Benedetti and Caesar are two who should not have been sitting there this time

  2. Roger's just miffed because his man John isn't president again.

  3. Baird's learning curve would appear to be flat since she supported Benedetti. I think Pat would have been the best choice, neither Benedetti nor Gonder are good options

  4. I was expecting to see Pat nominated last night and was surprised to see Gonder instead.
    It was interesting to see it played out. I expected more unity on the council

    Baird did a good job. It is still early and will see how things pan out.

  5. Shirley has been attending council meetings for a long time and she understands more then most.

    I want the council to work with Jeff but I don't want it to a push over.

    It will up to Jeff to see how things pan out.

  6. CeeSaw was being a bit too forward last night, don't you think? I mean, it's just the first date. Spooning's not until after you go steady.

    We'll now watch as Bob Caesar seeks to place his stamp on New Albany. Unfortunately, his stamp is completely blank.

  7. I've said for quite some time that Diane has usually been the most prepared member at meetings. At times, I question her connecting of the dots, but she does seem to genuinely care. Combined with her hard work she may do a good job.

    I do believe that she will need to be reminded, frequently, that the president is not to participate in debate. She must pass the gavel to do so.

  8. Where were your objections when John entered into debates Mark?

    There will be times when the President will need to offer their opinion just like John often did when he was President or Dan did, or even Jeff.

    to now all of a sudden start demanding things out of Diana would be wrong

  9. The most important thing that happened last night was Bob's suggestion to start a council committee that will work with the building commissioner. With Bob's suggestion the council is beginning to get to the root of New Albany economic woes.

  10. the root of New Albany's economic woes is the laissez faire charlatan, rasputin of community development Carl Malysz. Let's see if Gahan has the leadership he promised and sends Malysz packing and bring in an actual professional E.D person who supports smart growth initiatives and planning

  11. Jameson,
    Do you purposely not pay attention? Jeff seldom did. He voted and refereed but did not participate much in debate as president. John was the only one I've ever seen actually physically pass the gavel.

    If the presidency of the council is to be done correctly....

  12. Jeff did his second time around only because of the election, he was more vocal the first.

    If John let go of the gavel it was once maybe twice. Late into his term he spoke more often but I'm fine with that. His questions are just as important as anyone’s. And I would encourage any debate on the floor for public's need.

    All I'm saying is you have to be fair, right Mark?

  13. wont matter Gahan is on the path of 1 term, he will have basically a rubber stamp council, so does the council presidency really matter?

  14. I think the presidency "could" matter but hasn't much. Supposedly, Diane has some new ideas. Hopefully that's true and I'm excited to see what they are. I think my opinion about Diane was clear and mostly positive.

    Never said that any president's voice wasn't important. They just aren't supposed to opinion and "referee" at the same time. Jameson, with your logic, because we haven't enforced codes, we never should. You're better than that.

  15. I would also suggest that you ask John how much "love" he gets from me. Or Mayor Jeff.
