Saturday, January 14, 2012

Community Gardening meeting at the Ritter House on Tuesday, January 24

(From Michele Finn ... rescheduled from late 2011 ... video link provided by Michele)

Hello All!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and are on your way to a prosperous New Year! There are so many possibilities all through out New Albany to beautify add function into otherwise unsightly or unused spaces. New Albany is great and we can make it our dream city with some focus, direction and re-invention of our unused spaces.

I know many of you have great ideas that we haven't been able to discuss yet and I would love to hear them. A meeting will be held at The Cardinal Ritter House Tuesday, January 24th at 7pm. The address for the Cardinal Ritter House is 1218 E Oak Street. If you are familiar with the S Ellen Jones Elementary School, it is facing the playground and the entrance is in the back. Ideas and concerns are welcomed.

Invite your neighbors, invite your friends, any one you can think of that would benefit from a greener New Albany! If you would like to bring drinks, snacks or desserts to share please respond to this email and let me know what you are bringing. I would love to make this an evening of community discussion and camaraderie that enables us to focus on the future and possibilities coming up this spring. It's amazing what people can create and what a few plants can do for our neighborhoods.

Please do not feel like you can not participate if you can not or do not wish to attend this meeting. Stay in touch through the phone, email or you can even send me snail mail if you wish and I will be happy to share your ideas and give you credit.

To add a little fun please bring your current seed catalogs. I would love to see what you are planning and where you get your seeds.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you all!

Michele Finn
Grass Roots Organizer and Keep New Albany Clean & Green

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