Sunday, January 29, 2012

And spaces on the street, too.

I received this from JP a couple of weeks ago, and kept forgetting to post it. The gist of it to me is that we have plenty of two things downtown: Parking spaces, and drivers too lazy to walk a couple of blocks. I suppose it might be sugar-coated, but that's the essence, isn't it?

"It is a common assumption amomg urban planners that the health of a city can largely be measured by the amount of acreage given over to surface parking. Here is a map of New Albany's surface lots (in red). I didn't calculate the percentage of acreage, but it looks well > 75%."

Thanks for the photo and frequent input, JP. I hate to see you guys leave, but good luck in the future.


  1. But won't a multi-story parking garage placed over the levee be the most convenient place to park?

    Much closer to the center of it all!

  2. all that impervious surface already downtown and you want to add to the drainage problems with a parking garage? The city storm conveyances cant handle what they are receiving now. Did the Bobo plan account for the effects of added stormwater runoff?

  3. I can't answer specifically to stormwater runoff but considering how badly they accounted for so much of the rest of the project, I doubt it.

  4. Pocket parks with bioswales for rain capture... that's what we need about 50%, in a flood plain, to naturally manage the storm water.
