Saturday, December 10, 2011

2011 Highlights & Lowlights: Old tavern building confusion and related fears and loathing.

When it came to historic structures, we spent the year somewhat confused about priorities.

When we weren't looking, Pauline's disappeared.

But a different Götterdämmerung was performed at 8th & Culbertson.

And Dan Coffey was right: The Urban Enterprise Association is not City Hall’s ATM.

Although the Horseshoe Board later changed its mind, the weirdness surrounding decision-making at 8th & Culbertson caused even these charitable pillars to cock a collective eyebrow.

Autonomous visions experience unexpected Horseshoe board dissonance.

In the end, it was easier to blame the messenger than articulate a coherent case.

Toxicity: In a nutshell, here is the case against me.

1 comment:

  1. 8th and Culbertson can be a game changer, if done correctly. One of the mistakes I see being made is the scope of the project isn't broad enough.
