Monday, October 31, 2011

PizzaGate: Just making a point about localization, Candidate Oakley. Nothing more, nothing less.

The photo was cribbed from Matt Oakley's 6th district candidate site on Facebook. We've brought PizzaGate to your attention precisely because Oakley once said that he makes decisions based on facts, and the fact is that buying local is a positive boost for the economy in Oakley's district, and city. A fervent discussion took place at my Facebook site. Jeff included a few prime links to AMIBA. Let's all think for a change, shall we?


  1. Let me know if NA First can provide further educational links, especially as they pertain to certain issues.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I try to support local businesses. As soon as I remember to do it, I'm going to send in my check to NA1st.

    All that said, Daniel is not that far out in left field. It's a great picture to make a snarky(with some truth)point. That's about it. I'm all for snark but there's no other "depth" to that pic. None.

    The fact that I live in the 6th and Mr. Oakley has yet to give me any reason, at all, to vote him is much more noteworthy. I've not received a website link. Not one mailer. Not one phone call. Not one ad(that I remember)in the paper. Not one knock. Not one position. I have no idea what he stands for other than a bunch of signs along the roadway. I could not care less what kind of pizza he eats.

    Skyline chili, anyone? its

  4. wow..i didn't know that a bud light lime/"pizza box" could cause such a discussion on politics.

  5. Paul ... why didn't you know it?

  6. who took the picture is the question??>>>..Like IamHoosier states, "skyline chili, anyone? is it ok to go to a large chain or only the little guys that have 3-4 locations? what happens when the local grows to multiple states? is that a bad thing? I think that your brand/product is on that level. (which is a compliment)..

    I'm all about local, Roger. I'm sure you agree to agree with me on this one even though you & I don't "always" agree. Papa Johns..local or "working for the W man"..? Why set limits?..

    oops, back to the question.......picture taker...I hope you don't work for a "picture" company...(taking a picture/writing a story- (that you get paid for)/---???) / blogging about your story??.. wow.. I hope I'm wrong on this post but I'm pretty sure the past/current/, "etc" ..stories are a "conflict of interest".. Can't we all just hug?

    I hope we can some day remember/reflect on why we take 5 mins to type a response and hours to make things happen.



  7. Paul, to explain (there's a huge thread on my personal FB site from Monday on this topic): The photo was posted on Matt Oakley's campaign site. Oakley previously told me he is a fact/number/stat oriented kinda guy, and so I viewed this as an opportunity to familiarize him and others with the positive, empirical benefits of buying local. I might have done this on the sly, but that isn't my style. I like transparency, even when it bites me in the ass, which occurs from time to time.

    BTW, the reason why we can't always hug in the metaphorical sense is the same reason that the gesture Americans use for hitchhiking (thumbing a ride) is interpreted by a Bulgarian as "fuck you." Hugs are the same way sometimes ...
