Tuesday, October 25, 2011

OSIN reader backs Jack.

Previously, we have expressed a preference for Jeff Gahan in the forthcoming mayoral race: Decision 2011: Gahan tops this field. Following is another point of view, reprinted from OSIN in its entirety because I persist in believing, "Just say no to outmoded and discredited pop-ups."

Reader says he’s backing Messer

I’m a life-long Democrat. I even ran for office this spring in the Democratic Party’s primary. But I will not be voting for my party’s nominee for mayor of New Albany.

Instead, I will work to persuade my friends — Democrat, Republican or independent — to vote for Jack Messer, the independent candidate for mayor.

I back Jack because I’m convinced he is the only one running who is determined to change the culture of secrecy and insider dealing that has held our city back. Jack, perhaps for different reasons, rejected the party establishment and chose to run as a candidate for all the people. I’m certain that's the kind of mayor he’ll be, too.

This year’s Democratic candidate, Jeff Gahan, has shown me that he is unable to understand that as a public servant, he works for us under laws that we the people of this city, state and country have established. I’ve closely observed his performance in office for eight years and see no indication that any change is in the offing.

Gahan fought vigorously to maintain inequality in our council districts, saying the law doesn’t matter and no one could make him conform to the law. He has been a leading proponent of maintaining an unfair sewer rate schedule despite the fact that state law mandates otherwise, risking the loss of this city-owned asset. Gahan also sponsored an appropriation that diverted $200,000 in taxpayer funds to compensate private individuals for losses they incurred from a rainstorm, despite the fact that the city had no legal liability or other obligation to do so.

And in his most recent and blatant act of disregard for the interests of New Albanians, he torpedoed the merger of city and county emergency communications operations — a move that would have saved taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Messer, on the other hand, has been a voice of reason and a highly approachable at-large council member during the same eight years Gahan has held office. Jack is for electoral fairness. He is for equity in utility billing. He won’t support giveaways of taxpayer money. And he was the leading proponent for merging emergency communications.

Jack will listen to all the people, not just the same old gang that has run things downtown. Unlike Gahan, he believes city money is our money and not a private piggy bank for political insiders.

Messer’s the man we need to take this city forward.

— Randy Smith, New Albany


  1. That letter just helped Gahan. It's called the Randy Smith effect, whoever he backs causes an increase in votes for the other candidate.

  2. Yeah, he rejected a party because he had no chance with the Democratic nomination.

    And he's not part of insider trading? Ha. I remember him voting for new police cars, while still a police officer, instead of removing himself from the vote (which would have been the right thing to do).

  3. lets not forget he was working his wife's lawn business while on medical leave and of course he was misunderstood when he made racial remarks.
