Saturday, October 29, 2011

Organizing for localism, with coffee.

New Albany First's guest, Jeff Milchen of AMIBA, returned to the upstairs meeting room at River City Winery on Saturday morning to continue the discussion about strategies to build independent local businesses in New Albany.

It was a strong turn-out, and I'm grateful to Stacie Bale of Earth Friends Cafe for the coffee ... it had been a long Friday evening of localism in practice (not theory).

Special thanks go to Andy Terrell, who has been putting together the pieces of the NA First puzzle. I duly resolve to be of more help in this effort.

I'd also like to recognize council candidates Diane Benedetti (on the right) and Eddie Hodges, who attended the Saturday morning session, and Steve Burks (council candidate) and Jack Messer (mayoral candidate), who came on Friday night.

1 comment:

  1. Has Benedetti gotten a local license plate yet?
