Friday, October 07, 2011

Harvest Homecoming begins, with perfect weather and selective amnesia.

OSIN's Daniel Suddeath covers the opening of Harvest Homecoming, quotes Mayor England, and engenders a bit of confusion.

Surely I'm not the only one recalling conversations with the mayor, on more than one occasion, during which he vowed with force and agitation to move the booths away from the burgeoning downtown business district? To the riverfront, or to the 4-H Fairgrounds?

However, lame duck pronouncements matter very little in the end, and so I suppose we must ask the mayoral candidates what they think. This I'll do, and report back when (and if) answered.

... The growth in participation in the Business Luncheon and Fashion Show, which begins at 11 a.m. today inside the Riverfront Tent, is one of the biggest changes (Mayor Doug) England said he has observed in Harvest Homecoming over the past 20 years.

As for suggestions of moving Harvest Homecoming to a different part of New Albany, England said he remains in favor of using downtown for the venue.

While there have been complaints from some downtown shop owners that their business is hurt during Harvest Homecoming due to hampered accessibility to their establishments for patrons, England said there have been recent changes to make the event better for merchants.

For example, England said business owners can have a tent in front of their stores so they can showcase their products inside and outside during Harvest Homecoming.


  1. I have three thoughts:
    (1)Havest Homecoming good for Downtown,yes but why not utilize our wonderful waterfront for this and many other happenings. Also how about using the Farmers Market lot and parking garage,vacant buildings etc to spread throughout thereby keeping as part of Downtown. Then allowing the businesses downtown have their own events going on in front of their business or parking lot without the fees and restraints of Harvest?
    (2)Why should a business downtown in the middle of Harvest half to pay booth space fees just to have access to their business?
    (3) I will finish with I myself close down and take as a week of vaction. I get to enjoy and partake of all the events if desired but just maybe there is a better way for us all here who are local independent businesses to benefit as much as the outsiders who setup in town.
    What, Change? Oh My!! Dare We!!!

  2. I agree. If the streets are to be closed down, then existing local businesses should be able to use the spaces currently occupied by HH vendors, many of whom are not even local.

    Like so many other topics the past four years, City Hall has talked a big game and done nothing. All that's left for us to do is say, "next."

  3. Gee I guess you finally got it, Doug England is the king of double talk! My only regret that I live in Florida now is that I wont be able to vote against Doug for Council at large.

    Well like they say Roger, better late than never glad you finally saw England's Hypocrisy

    Happy Harvest Homecoming! I will miss those booths
