Sunday, October 30, 2011

A glorious autumn day for "The Ides of March."

Gracious, has it really been six years since this?

George Clooney's “Good Night, and Good Luck” will lure NA Confidential to the multiplex.

Yesterday afternoon, we viewed Clooney's most recent politically-themed work, and found it very good. The campaign platform Clooney espouses in the film as the character of Governor Morris perfectly positions Clooney, Morris or both as the candidate I'd happily favor in 2012, although perhaps there is still hope Barack Obama will embrace them.

The Ides of March – review, by Philip French (

The Ides of March is a serious film that reveals Clooney as a director capable of welding his fellow performers into a superb ensemble while sustaining both dramatic tension and moral focus. He's a liberal of a critical kind, and his respect for the audience takes the form of expecting us to understand that in bringing a self-critical searchlight to bear on events surrounding the Democratic party he isn't attacking the liberal left. He's simply addressing himself to the complications and vagaries of electoral politics.

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