Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Decision 2011: Phipps clearly the pick of the Third.

New Albany's municipal elections take place on November 8, and we're examining what passes for choice, with a council race each day through Saturday, the at-large field on Sunday, and the mayoral contest on Monday, October 17. Listings are cribbed from the clerk's office, followed by brief comments by the senior editor.

(Precincts New Albany 3, 5, 6, 7, 10)

R Jameson Bledsoe 2001 E. Elm Street 502-751-5180
D Greg Phipps 1105 E. Spring Street 812-949-8317

The 3rd district seat has been inexplicably vacant since 2003, nominally filled with a human, but dusty, rusty and almost completely unused. By contrast, Phipps towers over the other first-time candidates in terms of qualifications and temperament.

Phipps has served on the Board of Zoning Appeals, helped drive the establishment of a neighborhood association, spoken out for code enforcement and the rule of law, and in ways large and small, put his time and money into the fray. He is a powerful advocate for human progress, and can be trusted to display thoughtfulness, rationality and personal equilibrium, assuring that the memory of “No progress at or by any Price” will not long endure.

NAC's pick: Phipps.


  1. Phipps, while obviously an intelligent candidate is inconsistent in his stated policy positions. For example, he states he is for a balanced budget yet is unwilling to cut costs in the biggest money drain on the city's budget: Police and Fire. He says he thinks the unincorporated areas of New Albany should no longer get a "free ride" (from his campaign web site) while at the same time wants to continue handing out tax abatements and sewer tap credits targeted for downtown. Isnt that a "free ride".

    I dont know anything about his republican opponent, but it seems to me Mr. Phipps is a classic case of double talk and to me that is spelled "politician"

    I think phipps needs to stick with sociology rather than political science because he doesnt have a clue about the basic concept of fiscal responsibility.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cutting public safety or abatemetns are not the only ways to balance the budget.

    EW, what are your credentials on municipal finance?

  4. I served as chairman of a $1.5 million dollar stormwater utility and ran a tight fiscal ship, any more questions?

  5. Also Dan, i do hold an MBA and have taken courses on government finance. ut my question for you is why question my expertise on municipal finance, I am not the candidate shouldnt you ask that question to Mr Phipps and his opponent, of course that is a typical lawyer's way of redirecting

  6. EW, You began by accused Mr. Phipps of “double speak” without pointing out statements of his that are necessarily inconsistent. You have not yet made your case. If you cannot prove that his statements are inconsistent (that is, if I’m to simply take your word that Mr. Phipps cannot grasp fiscal responsibility), I want to know why I should take your authoritative word for it.

    Now I’m going to ask you to prove that Mr. Phipps made an inconsistent statement. Attacking me or my profession is not proof.

  7. once again counselor, phipps states he is for a balanced budget but is unwilling to make cuts in the police and fire bugets, which represents 85% of the city's general fund and therefore is the leading contributor to the city's poor fiscal condition, he is against the free rides for the non annexed areas of the city but is for tax abatements and sewer tap credits and has consistently voted as a memeber of redevelopment for tax payer financed give aways to developers and opposes impact fees.

    I would challenge mtr phipps to produce a plan that balances the buget without relying upon the rainy day fund or EDIt dollars while still maintaing his current police and fire spending and his tax giveaways and his plan to add more spending to code enforcement.

    How is he going to pay for it and maintain a balnced budget, these are questions he needs to answer.

    Like I said I am not the candidate nor is this a court room.

  8. There are many ways to balance a budget. EW has cherry picked a few ways and left other ways out.

    In other words, he's not going to show how any two statement of Mr. Phipps cannot be consistent.

  9. Hey, Eco, watcha doin' these days?

  10. living in florida, and why would i care about the city's future you may ask? I still have a mother there who owns a home so I will continue to have opinions re: new albany's civic affairs

  11. I just asked what you were doing. I had no idea that you were not in town or what you are currently doing.

    Do you actually have a job, now?

  12. yes and I did when I was New Albany too, you know USDA what are trying to imply?

  13. and I thought this thread was concerning whether Greg Phipps is suitable for this office not what am I doing and what job do I have.

  14. Random thoughts:

    I'm trying to pinpoint the time when I gave up on Jameson. Maybe it was the revitalization through golf, or the gated urban communities, or the fear of two-way streets.

    Phipps not qualified? Of course he's qualified. Compared to Steve Price, comatose sea otters qualify.

    I saw Greg in action at the last meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals. That alone is a qualification.

  15. this isnt about steve price vs. phipps, thats been decided. the question is phipps vs. bledsoe. I contend that Phipps is inconsitent in his policy statements. I say query both Phipps and Bledsoe about the issues and their positions then make a decisiondont endorse Phipps just because he is the darling of the East Spring Street association

  16. Strange. How did I answer EW's question about Jameson before EW even asked it?

  17. Nothing. Just say hi to "Chip" for me.

  18. I think EW wants Phipps to align himself with Gahan's plan to cut fire, police, and emergency dispatch payrolls by 20% across the board. I don't think Greg will endorse that particular plank of the ballot lead's platform.

  19. well at least Gahan has the guts to do what is necessary to get the city's financial house in order as opposed to phipps who obviously has cut a deal with the police and fire dept unions to get himself elected.

  20. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well Phipps' picture with his endorsement announcement of police and fire dept unions at COMMUNITY PARK tells it all. He thinks so much of the district he wants to represnt that he didnt even bother to have the picture taken within the district.

    Just another example of the Phipps political expediency mindset.
