Saturday, October 15, 2011

Decision 2011: For those in the 6th about to plant a yard sign, we don't salute you.

We've spent the week thoughtfully contemplating New Albany's November 8 municipal elections, and to be honest, emigration keeps coming up in conversation. Today marks the end of numbered council districts. Tomorrow are the council at-large hopefuls, and the mayor foursome on Monday, October 17. Candidate listings are cribbed from the clerk's office, followed by brief comments by the senior editor.

(Precincts New Albany 27, 41, 42, 43, 44)

R Matt Oakley 1118 Eastridge Drive 502-599-1251
D Suellen Wilkinson 1028 Castlewood Drive 812-948-9844
I Scott A. Blair 3925 Rainbow Drive 812-697-0128

Voting for the person? All three candidates for Jeff Gahan's seat in the 6th are first-rate, so that one's a wash.

Like the remainder of the Republican slate, with the possible exception of Jessica Knable, Oakley's given no hint of a position on specific issues. Neither has Blair, although one would expect an independent to be able to demonstrate his vision in contrast to the pathetic record of local political parties in doing so.

Wilkinson is running openly and proudly as a Democrat, and for that she ordinarily would deserve credit from the likes of me, except that in Floyd County, such a close and intimate alignment with the crumbling Democratic party structure implies a decided Dixiecrat shading, and nothing resembling her Wisconsin blue state credentials.

Am I the only one in the city seeking to judge hopefuls by their views on issues facing the city, and not yard sign placement?

NAC's pick: In spite of her proximity to the outgoing England administration, the choice is Wilkinson.


  1. I can vouch for Ms Wilkinson's knowledge of the issues even if I don't always agree with her. She's been attending council meetings for quite some time and that is how I came to know her. She's no Dixiecrat, thankfully. I'll vouch for that, too.

    I've vaguely heard that the other two candidates are solid citizens but, even living in the 6th, I know absolutely nothing about them. Wouldn't know them if they walked right up to me which means that have not even been close to regulars at council meetings. They have given me no reason to vote for them. Why are they even running? Insurance? (kidding---maybe)

  2. Republicans believe it's their way or the highway. Any idea other than their's is not a good one and besides telling the voters what their stance on issues and what and how they plan to do things are all because they believe they know best and that the masses don't understand and should not be informed or involved in the process. So to say that Republican candidates are not taking stances on issues does not come as a surprise to me at all.
