Friday, October 14, 2011

A "Decision 2011: follow-up: 2nd District reconsidered?

What’s a leftist like me to do?

I won’t put too fine a spin on this, but merely note that it’s dawning on me: There probably needs to be a deeper discussion about the 2nd District council race than my oblique side step on Tuesday.

That I sidestepped the race at all owes to something very characteristic of my worldview, which might be summarized briefly as a first-response, hyper-sensitivity to matters of conscience.

Freedoms of thought, expression, identity and self-realization, and freedom from religious, political and social repression all come first with me, and all else comes second. Life is not about money. It is about living. Simply stated, then, it remains my presumption that when it comes to what might be called the “social agenda,” I could not differ more from what 2nd District challenger Jessica Knable (R) believes.

However, we’ve somehow engaged in a quirky, sporadic dialogue pertaining to public policy issues. Know that I don’t agree with everything she has written; readers may wish to review her Facebook campaign site postings for a refresher. Just consider this response to my question (paraphrased): How do you differ from your opponent, the incumbent Bob Caesar?

I differ from Bob in the followings ways: I will bring a unique voice and perspective to the Council because I am a 43-yr-old mother of four children who attend three different New Albany public schools, as such I have real interest in the Council and School Board communicating - they presently do not. I have nothing whatsoever to do with the current administration; I believe this is plus. I promise to answer all questions in a timely fashion. I promise to be available; this will not be a part-time job for me, but rather a full-time one. I promise to do my research and homework before meetings, and to be prepared. I want to preserve the parks, especially Community Park as a green space, no development. Finally, I will decline the health-benefits offered the Council, thus saving our city about $80,000 over four years. As far as social conservative issues go, I really do not see where their place would fit in on New Albany's Council. I promise you will not hear my views on abortion.

In previous communications, Knable has offered support for the emerging buy local movement, particularly as it pertains to the current period of bridge closure. She has indicated skepticism as to the River View development claims. And, her fellow GOP candidate Bledsoe’s recurring obscurantism to the contrary, she has seemed capable of understanding and perhaps even advocating the two-way street issue.

By contrast, Caesar’s campaign to date is sadly reminiscent of the recent 1800 Tequila television ad:

That’s cool. Jessica Knable just answered another question.

What has your candidate done?



  1. you see she espouses job creation and not creationism. Knable will be solid on the council and a much needed change

  2. another point in her favor, she will not rip off the taxpayers by taking the city's health insurance unlike Caesar who sees nothing wrong in this abuse of position.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The second time, today, that I agree with EW. Council insurance.

    I thought it was chicken shit when they passed it after being elected and told them so at a meeting. If they felt it was important to raise pay/benefits for council members then pass it but make it effective after the next election.

    I've no problem with raising the pay of the council. Really, really expensive insurance is not the way. For those who really care, there is a lot of work involved. For those that don't "really care" there is the ballot box.

    11:57 AM

  5. In order to improve our collective chances, someone else deserves a chance in the 2nd District seat.

  6. I may regret this, sensing I do already, why is health insurance an instance of abuse of position?

  7. Jon,
    To the best of my knowledge, HI is not provided to any other part time employee of the city. That's one point.

    As stated, I have no problem with increasing compensation for council members. Guessing that I would be in a minority that would even favor a "substantial" increase. The problem with doing the "increase" via HI is that it's not an even amount. There are thousands of dollars per year differences between a policy for a single plan, married plan, and married w/children, etc. Not 100's, 1,000's. I've never had anybody, yet, explain to me why thousands more ought to be paid to someone, doing the exact same job, just because they are married and/or have children.

    Third, is the way this council did it. In another thread we were discussing conflict of interest. What bigger conflict is it, to as much as double/triple your pay shortly after you are elected? By making it take effect after the next election(which would this one)at least they would have to explain it before accepting it. Chicken shit.

  8. Right on Hoosier, we are on the same wavelength now. Neither Caesar nor Benedetti understand the phrase "public service"

    When I was New Albany Stormwater Chairman I didnt get health insurance and I didnt receive compensation either. I did it because I wanted to serve the city and get the first stormwater program and permit off to the right start.

    Any council member who takes the Health Insurance for 24 official meetings a year is just plain greedy and should be voted out of office.

  9. “Where we are right now, we just need a little bit of give and take,” from employees on insurance, he said.

    These words from Caesar, Sept. 11th New Albany Tribune regarding the city's budget shortfall. ok Caesar start giving and quit taking by opting out of the city's health insurance, you have a slight credibility gap here.

  10. Maybe EW. I'm definitely not saying that they should work for peanuts. It's a big job if done correctly and they ought to be properly compensated for their time and effort. I understand that "properly" is where the debate begins.

  11. it's a matter of principle, a part time city employee can not get the city health insurance but a city councilperson can? That not only isnt fair, it's arrogance.

    Caesar, Benedetti and Zurschmiede have other insurance options but they choose to stick it to the taxpayers by taking advantage of their elective office for a personal gain.

    Benedetti once called the council insurance a "pittance" but her words and actions speak volumes about the total disdain she has for the term public service.

  12. Thanks for the clarification, Mark, I didn't direct my comment towards you but there was lag between my electing to comment and the execution thereof.

    Darling Gnatmeister colors most components of his worldview in extremes. I often draw exception this.
    Aside from Mr. C's elucidation, it was nice to hear of T's relocation, I wouldn't an awakward moment as he's gnoshing at Lightning Food Mart.

  13. I kind of figured that, Jon. Still, I try not to miss the opportunity to enthrall people with my drivel. vbg

  14. New Albany city government is a stinking trough. What percentage of the local population is living off the public tit? Public Service? HA HA... hey, who do you have to know to get a shot at changing the rocks on the floodwall?
