Monday, September 19, 2011

What is New Albany Venues, and how does it work?

Business First recently described New Albany Venues like this:
Nonprofit group that plans and manages concerts and other events downtown. In particular, New Albany Venues coordinates the summer concert series at the New Albany Riverfront Amphitheater. Contact Shelle England ...
As has been noted previously in this space, riverfront activities are coordinated by a committee under the aegis of the New Albany Venues incorporation. As state documents below show, the incorporation's address is the city's executive office address.

The small committee operates according to one primary caveat, as established by Mayor England: All public events must be free of charge. Without covers and admission fees, and with very little municipal funding available for support, this non-statutory stricture implies a complete reliance on outside sponsorship, as with the Horseshoe Foundation, Duke Energy and others.

Note that the committee's stewardship of the riverfront is not the issue here. Rather, it is the future implications of New Albany Venues, as currently configured. I've asked the city attorney (and Shane has agreed) to explain these implications to us, and to answer these questions. When he does so, I'll post the results.

Seeing as Mayor England is not seeking re-election, does his wife's name remain on the charter New Albany Venues incorporation, or is there an election/appointment procedure for a succession?

Do the non-profit incorporation rules permit the establishment of a truly non-political, community-infused, pluralistic board or committee, one not entirely dependent on personnel decisions made by future mayors?

Are there any plans for a succession of this sort, or for the establishment of the type of pluralistic, inclusive governing riverfront body?


  1. Great Questions---Keep us informed

  2. Yes, Inquiring minds want to know more.
