Friday, September 30, 2011

Today's gathering of politicians: "The last time I saw that many suits, I was at Value City."

Who let that last guy in?

Verdict: Six more months and a mere $20 million.


  1. I feel a tad better about what they said about the bridge because Sen. Lugar was there. Don't always agree with him but do believe him to be a fair and honorable man. One out a dozen ain't bad, I guess.

  2. Put the combover over the river.

  3. Imagine aspiring to a job that would compel one's dressing in a suit every day.

    I can't.

  4. the u.s. put men on the moon in the 1960's and a bridge can't be fixed any sooner than 6 months? starting to rethink this entire NASA story....

    no to sound like a big baby, but the commute is awful and don't tell me "it's not that bad," when it took me 25 minutes to get to work and now takes me 45-50 minutes now.

    "it's not as bad as chicago, new york or la." ...yeah, wonder why i don't live there?!

    i think it's a big political play for obama money.

    flame away on my opinion...

  5. Was that Kerry Stemler standing next to Ron Grooms? And if so, why? Wasn't that supposed to be a group of elected representatives telling us what was going to happen to already built crumbling bridges, not what they want to do with bloated bridge projects they haven't been able to start for 50 years?

    Also, I don't buy the notion that this was a ploy for Obama money. And the biggest reason I don't is Mitch Daniels. Formerly of the Bush Administration, specifically his Budget Director. Why in the world would he do *any*thing that would play into Obama's hands?
