Saturday, September 03, 2011

Saturday, October 1 is going to be a fun day in New Albany.

For one, there'll be a renewal of the Harvest Homecoming parade party institution (in a local election year, no less) at the Confidential domicile. 2011 will be the seventh edition, and for complete information, merely change the date in last year's preview to October 1, and read:

Let's protest tolls, heckle 1Si, and drink beer at NAC's Harvest Homecoming Parade Gala at 1117 ESSNA.

October 1 also is the day NABC has chosen to release ThunderFoot 22-oz bomber bottles for carry-out purchase by the general public. ThunderFoot bombers will be available all day on the 1st (only!) at both NABC locations, and if there's any left over, Southern Indiana commercial accounts get the next stab, then our friends at Cavalier Distributing Inc.

But there's even more. After the NAC bash and parade has concluded, there'll be a pig roast (all ages, with burgers and hot dogs, too) and an NABC cash beer bar at Something Different II on 3rd Street by the floodwall. A percentage of the proceeds from beer sales will go to 1st District Councilman Dan Coffey's annual Christmas Party for children in his neighborhood.

Plan on a moveable feast: 1117 East Spring Street Neighborhood Association for the parade, a stroll to Something Different for food and drink, and then an afternoon/night cap at Bank Street Brewhouse and carry-out ThunderFoot. Verily, Gregg Seidl might graft the events of the day onto his walking accounts of nefarious (or ironic) New Albany.


  1. I'm not quite sure what to write. Maybe something about another time, another place, another dimension...

  2. that all sounds good, I am however confused by the Dan Coffey statement...I thought he was was of the (past) council persons responsible for making sure the parking brake was on around downtown NA...?

  3. Indeed, (still) council member Coffey has seldom come down on the same side as NAC. Currently, we find ourselves on the same side of a few issues; he asked NABC to do the beer vending at his event, and I agreed. Perhaps we both see the value of playing against type every now and then.
