Friday, September 23, 2011

Open thread: Last evening's New Albany mayoral debate.

If you were there, please discuss.


  1. No surprising revelations. Jack and Jeff both demonstrated working knowledge of issues--as they should. Mr. Bagshaw & Mr Keister, came across as sincere. However, the lack of depth of knowledge of issues was pretty glaring. Seems that both of them waited far too long to get interested in the details of issues facing NA. They are not dullards, by any means, but just not up to speed.

    That said, Jeff and Jack didn't break any new ground. Jack "attacked" the other candidates a bit more, but it was not malicious. Neither offered many details but if you would have put those details offered on a scale, the scale would have tipped ever so slightly Jack's way.

    Bottom line--No one embarrassed themselves last night. No clear winner, well, maybe there was. Clearly, it is a 2 man race.

  2. Mark, thanks for the report. I wonder if any candidates stated what they would make a priority if elected.

  3. G.,
    Messer said his top priority was open government and better communication between council and mayor.

    Gahan said his top priority was the city's budget.

    Keister said building bridges and pushing the state gov't for a response to the Sherman was his top priority.

    Bagshaw said the budget and the "lack of vision" for the community were his biggest concerns.

    Mark's biggest concern was a mustang in the parking lot

  4. Actually it was a Honda that I thought might try to run me over if I didn't keep an eye out.

  5. Daniel S, thanks. Do you remember what Doug England's promise or priorities were when he entered office?

  6. G.,
    I got here just a few months after that election, but from what I gathered, code enforcement, reopening Spring St. Hill Rd. and conversion of one way streets to two way downtown were some of the big priorities. Roger, Randy and Jeff can probably give you more detail.
