Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Moss: "Downtown New Albany on the path to renewal."

Last week, it was Dale Moss on Paul Kiger. This week, the C-J's columnist remains focused on New Albany.

Downtown New Albany on the path to renewal

Dave Thrasher, who has an art studio on Market Street, said the downtown momentum reflects growing appreciation for a simpler, throwback kind of life. “It's energizing, but it's fragile,” he said. “We're still a work in progress.”
It's a good piece, but I must observe that a completely empty Farmers Market pavilion is an odd choice for a photo with an article that specifically mentions the large crowds to be found there on market days.

Then again, the C-J is a shell of its former self. At least there wasn't a pop-up ad.

1 comment:

  1. Also, the caption for the picture of Habana Blues says "Havana" although the body of the story got it correct.
