Friday, August 26, 2011

Give 'em hell, Matt: 1Si's candidate endorsements "unethical."

In his column today, Matt Nash offers clear thinking on One Southern Indiana's controversial candidate endorsements. It continues to amaze me how many of 1Si's own people oppose the oligarch enrichment organization's star chamber approach to interfering in the governmental process, but cannot offer an opinion openly for obvious reasons.

It's more than ironic ("hypocritical" springs to mind) that 1Si now purports to support localism with one hand (Think Local, or some such ineffectualism), while the other hand endorses candidates and positions actively designed to deter localism.

Perhaps 1Si thinks we don't notice, but we do. Too bad the same cannot be said of local politicos like Councilman CeeSaw, whose conflicts of interest v.v. 1Si continue to embarrass.

NASH: Who is paying for 1si

... I cannot stop One Southern Indiana from making whatever endorsements that they see fit. I believe it is unethical for them to ask local governments for money if this is the path that they have chosen.

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