Monday, August 22, 2011

Caption contest: OSIN's automotive pop-up ad.

If you save the background photo, the car dealership names disappear!

How should the caption read? We know who will win, which is why I'm no longer offering prizes, but just for the sport of it, here's mine:

"Piss on you -- I work for the Alabama State Retirement Fund."


  1. Okay..just for fun...

    "Hello to you. My name being Ursula Androkopovich and American man drive me wild like this new car of which I hold the shiny thing that makes it turn on. Call me."

  2. These keys kill trees.

  3. Keep watching the keys. When I snap my fingers, you will clear the land and build a bank, a restaurant and a gas station.

  4. I like Stephen's second submission.

  5. The old adage about getting what you pay for has never been more true. If you enjoy this type of annoying interruption to your reading, you should buy something from the companies listed here so as to encourage more of them.

  6. I like the "flow" of "These keys kill trees". A big statement made in just 4 words.

    Still the reigning king--SBAvanti63!

  7. Reunited and it feels so good
    Reunited 'cause we understood
    There's one perfect fit
    And, sugar, this one is it
    We both are so excited
    'Cause we're reunited
