Thursday, July 07, 2011

No 2 Bridge Tolls: "Countdown to Silence: July 13th Deadline to Voice Opposition to Tolls."

We've given Vaughan Scott his say, and now it is Paul Fetter's turn. Paul speaks on behalf of, which represents those small, independent local businesses in Southern Indiana -- the ones that bridges project proponents such as Spencer "Gohmann Asphalt" Coe recently has intemperately threatened with boycotts: At long last, an oligarch's toady who is honest in his vituperation.

You know what NAC thinks, and has been saying all along: No Tolls, period. Please take Paul's advice and tell it (in many cases, tell it again) to the officials who'll be ruling on your future. Thanks.


Last Chance for Your Voice to Be Heard: July 13th Deadline--Act Now!

Dear "No Tolls" Supporter:

This is your chance to be heard by officials who will be making the decisions to toll the Ohio River Bridges, specifically I-65. Tell them in your own words how tolls will negatively impact you, your family, friends, and business owners. And please share this email with all your family, friends and associates who will be impacted by tolls.

Time is running out! To help you with your comments, we have prepared two suggested letters that you can personalize so your voice is heard. Following these letters are some bullet points you may wish to include. Be sure to tell them how tolls will impact you, your family, friends, and the community.

Follow this link to express your opposition to tolls before July 13, 2011!

Template letter A (personalize to your unique situation): I support improving the infrastructure. Spending more than we have is why America is in financial trouble. Build what we can afford and start with the East End Bridge. Do not finance with tolls!

Tolling will be a new "Hoosier tax" (cost of being a Hoosier) in this river city community. Southern Indiana is part of the complete Louisville Metro Area, representing about 1/8 of the population, yet absorbing 80% of the tolling. Tolls will have a disproportionate impact on Southern Indiana as 40,000 Hoosiers commute to Louisville on a daily basis. Almost all Hoosiers have to travel to Louisville, very few Kentuckians have to travel to Indiana. This will take $50 million a year out of our Southern Indiana economy annually in tolls alone.

Template letter B (personalize to your unique situation): I am opposed to tolls on the I-65 Corridor. I believe we should build what we can afford with the $1.9 Billion we have and start with the East End Bridge. My family and I cross the river daily and tolling, even at the target rate, will impact what we have to spend in the community. These dollars will leave the area and my family will suffer. I also believe that target toll rates will increase every year adding to the burden on my family.

On behalf of my family, I am urging you to find a means to improve the infrastructure without tolls. Many people have worked tirelessly for decades to unite the communities on both sides of the river. Tolls will divide us for the next 50 years.

Here are some additional points you might want to include in your letter:

I am not opposed to improving the infrastructure

Tolls are bad for the community on both sides of the river

Tolls will have a disproportionate impact on Southern Indiana as 40,000 Hoosiers commute to Louisville on a daily basis; almost all Hoosiers have to travel to Louisville, which is likely to take $50 million a year out of our Southern Indiana economy. Tolling will be a new "Hoosier tax" (cost of being a Hoosier) in this river city community. Southern Indiana is part of the complete Louisville Metro Area, representing about 1/8 of the population, yet absorbing 80% of the tolling expense. This is extremely disproportionate!

Tolls will take millions out of the Kentuckiana economy every year

Even a target rate toll of $1 will mean a 4% tax on a single mom earning $15,000/yr in her job across the river (relate this to a student, family member or friend you may know)

Tolls on the I-65 bridge will be a tax on Hoosiers who drive to Louisville daily for work, school, spiritual enlightenment, medical, and entertainment

Businesses on both sides of the river will suffer

Indiana retail and tourism businesses will be significantly impacted, loosing significant revenue from Kentucky consumers, and from local shoppers which have been impacted with a "new tax"

Target toll rates will increase every year

Build what we can afford now; don't over finance this community

The Kennedy Bridge traffic is more than was originally intended but is actually down since 2003. Source:

Bridges are not the bottleneck to our traffic problems: I-65 cannot be widened because of the bottleneck at "hospital curve" in Louisville and I-64 has the Cochran Hill Tunnel bottleneck. Neither of these issues is addressed by building another downtown bridge.

Businesses will pay a higher toll rate for commercial vehicles....many of these businesses have multiple vehicles that cross the bridges multiple times a day.

There is no transparency of what this will cost businesses in Kentuckiana

I urge elected and appointed officials to find a reasonable means to improve
infrastructure without tolls.

Tolls on the I-65/Kennedy bridges system will have a very negative impact on this region, dividing our river city community.

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