Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Frenchman's new colors.

The snazzy paint job? It's because the Frenchman is coming ... to the Bergman Building retail space on Market. Here's what the storefront looked like before.


  1. In fairness and assuming they received a COA, this isn't much different than what Todd Coleman did on Pearl and later changed.

    Personal preferences and all, just saying...they look a lot alike.

  2. I beg to differ Jeff. While the two colors, yellow and blue are similar in both cases, their relevance to store concept, not to mention actual application, are completely different to my eye.

  3. I can see some of that, G, but I think those are aesthetic and conceptual issues probably not much considered by a majority of those who reacted very negatively to the Pearl Street paint job.

    Just trying to avoid the usual business of who and not what it is.
